Microsoft Teams meeting link is not opening. How to fix?

Here’s a question from Sharonna:

I have received an Outlook invitation to a Teams recurring meeting from one of my customers. Once i tried to double click the link, i found out that Microsoft Teams desktop application fails to open, and seem to be hanging indefinitely. Is there anything i can do in order to be able to access Teams to join this meeting? Seems that Teams won’t open on desktop. If that helps, i am running a Windows 11 laptop.

Teams meeting link not working – how to fix?

If your Teams meeting link you have in your Outlook invite doesn’t open up your meeting, follow these steps:

Step 1: Ensure your internet connection is functional

This might sound like a no-brainer, but first and foremost, take a minute to make sure that your computer is connected to the internet.

Step 2: Delete your Teams cache

It’s quite possible, that if your Teams apps doesn’t come up; it might have to do with caching issues. Follow our guide on how to clean your Microsoft Teams cache if Teams doesn’t come up.

Step 3: Restart your computer

If cleaning your Teams cache didn’t work, it’s time to restart your Windows computer. Open Outlook and try to join your meeting.

Step 4: Reinstall Microsoft Teams

Next, simply reinstall your Microsoft Teams for Windows app, and try to access the meeting.

Step 5: Open your Teams meeting on the web or mobile

If all the above didn’t help, you are able to use the web version of Teams instead of the desktop one. Kindly go ahead and proceed as following:

  • In Microsoft Outlook, open your meeting invite.
  • Right click the Click here to join the meeting.
  • Hit Copy Link to capture the meeting URL.
  • Now, open your web browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox) and paste the meeting URL.
  • Hit Enter.
  • Select the Continue in this Browser option.
  • That’s it – you can access your meeting.

Teams button not showing up in Outlook

A related question is how to troubleshoot in a case that the Teams meeting is not available in the Outlook ribbon. Most probably this is related to a malfunctioning add-in. Here is a simple guide on how to enable your Teams button to show up in Outlook.


How to prevent Microsoft Teams meeting link issues in the future?

  • Always test any external Teams meeting link – ahead of your meeting.
  • Update your Microsoft Teams installation periodically
  • If roaming, ensure that your network connection is fully functional.
  • If using Teams web, make sure that you clear your browser cache.

How to troubleshoot the “No Permission to Access” error in Teams?

Restart Teams and try to access the teams meeting. Contact your meeting organizer to obtain access as needed.