How to change Microsoft Teams default browser?

Here’s a question from one of our readers

I have recently received a new laptop from my organization and I have started installing all the necessary software. For Microsoft Teams, I was sent a link to access my project files on our corporate Intranet. But when I tried to open Teams, it is always getting opened in Internet Explorer. Instead, i want Teams to open by default in Microsoft Edge, but I don’t see any options provided in Teams to change the browser. Can you please help me on changing the web browser to load, when I click on a link to a Teams channel, file or conversation?

Thanks for your question. We would be setting the default browser inside the windows default settings. In this post we will discuss on how we can see the default browser settings for Microsoft Teams.

Change default browser settings in Windows 7

  • Hit Start and search for Control Panel.
  • Select Programs from the control panel options provided.
  • Now, go ahead and hit Set your default programs.
  • Click on the browser name under Web browser and select the browser that you want to set as the default browser.
  • Now when you click on any URL in Microsoft Teams , it will be loaded from the default browser that you have set.

Set Teams default browser in Windows 10 & 11

  • Hit the Search magnifying glass (or alternatively hit Windows + S).
  • Now type Default Apps.
  • Next, in the Web browser section, hit the current selection (probably Internet Explorer or Edge) and select a new browser from the installed on your computer (Chrome, Firefox, Opera etc’).

Note that in the same way, you can also set the default programs for Mail, Maps, Music player, Photo viewer, Video player under the Default apps.

Hope this post have helped you in achieving what you were looking for. If not, leave us a comment with follow up questions. Thanks!