How to download and share files on Microsoft Teams for iPad and iPhone?

Here’s a question from Ruben:

At my workplace we use Microsoft Teams quite extensively for calls and team collaboration. I am the owner of a Team in which i have created a specific channel which we use in order to share customer information with other members of our small sales team. I am interested to access those files from my company provided iPhone but i am not able to find an option to download any entries in my Files tab into my iPhone so i can access them even when i am not online connected to the internet. I have seen that you have a similar Teams tutorial for Android phones. Any ideas relevant to iPhone / iPad / iOS?

Downloading files from Teams to iPhone

Downloading Teams files and accessing them on iPhone, is a but tricky following the introduction of the offline capability.

Access your Teams files while offline:

  • In your iPhone, access the Microsoft Teams app.
  • Navigate to your specific Team and Channel. Tip: if you are part of multiple teams you can use the Teams search box to quickly find your channel.
  • Now open the Files tab.
  • Next find the file that you want to download.
  • Now hit the ellipsis (…) next to the file.
  • Hit on the Make available offline button. Note that your file will be downloaded and kept for 14 days, after that it will be removed from the offline storage.

Permanently download Teams files:

  • In Teams, hit the More button.
  • Next select Files.
  • Under Places, select Offline, to browse files previously downloaded.
  • Hit the ellipsis (…) button next to the file
  • Hit Send a copy.
  • Then select Save to File.
  • Select a specific folder in your iPhone / iPad as your download location. This could be your Phone or iCloud drive.
  • Last, hit the Save button in the upper right of your screen

Note that in a similar fashion you can save your file into OneDrive, send to a Whatsapp contact or group etc’.

Sharing Teams files on iPhone/iPad with other Teams users

  • Navigate to your file.
  • Hit the ellipsis (…)
  • Select Share
  • Teams will create a link to be shared in a Teams chat as needed.

Hopefully, this tutorial has helped answering your questions, kindly leave us a comment in case of follow up questions.