How to change or delete Slack conversations?

Here’s a question from a reader:

Hello! I have started using Slack few days back and I find lot of useful features in the tool. I am trying to get hold of all the features that comes in with this tool, so that I can recommend this tool to my team as well. I have a question: I got to know that we can edit a message even after it was sent . Can you help me on how I can do it?

Thank you for the question. In this post, we will discuss about how to edit and remove a message after message it is posted in Slack.

Note: If you do not see edit or delete option next to your message, Ascroll to the Settings & Permissions section.

How to change Slack messages?

  • Get started by hovering over the message that you want to edit.
  • Click on the three dots icon from the panel.
  • Select Edit message.
  • Make the necessary changes and hit Save Changes.
  • Now, you can see the change is updated with (edited) label along with the message.

How to delete Slack messages?

  • Hover over the message that needs to be Deleted.
  • Click on the three dots icon.
  • Hit Delete message.
  • Click Delete to remove the sent message.
  • Now, the message is removed from the channel.

Settings & Permissions

If you do not see the edit and delete option in your workspace, there is a chance that the Admin settings are set accordingly for your workspace. Just make sure you have Admin rights for your workspace. Please go through the steps provided below, to bring in edit and delete option in your workspace.

  • Click on your workspace, hover over Settings & Administration and select Workspace settings.
  • You will be directed to your Workspace Admin Settings & Permissions page.
  • Select the Permissions tab.
  • Scroll over to Message Editing & Deletion and click Expand.
  • Here you can modify Up to time for editing and who has rights to delete messages by selecting from the drop down box in Allow editing and People who can delete messages . Below is the default settings.
  • Once the modification is done, hit Save.

Hope this post this useful. Feel free to post follow up questions in the comments.

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